In the fall of 2019, all schools in Prairie South began to use MySchoolSask (MSS) as both a student information system and a teacher gradebook. Through MySchoolSask parents and students have access to assessment information at any time by logging into MSS. We are happy to provide a paper copy of a student’s progress during reporting periods, but we encourage parents to use the parent portal in MSS to find timely information about their child’s progress. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers at any time to discuss their child’s progress and any concerns they may have. Information on logging into the parent portal in MSS can be found here. If you are using a mobile device, instructions on how to access MySchoolSask on a mobile device can be found here.
Student led conferences will take place twice annually – once in the fall and once in the spring. These conferences provide students with an opportunity to share a snapshot of their learning with parents; they are meant to be a highlight of their learning. Parents who wish to discuss progress or who have specific concerns or questions are encouraged to contact teachers at any time during the year.
Teachers in Prairie South have been working for several years to examine grading practices and update those practices based on current research on student learning. The intention of regularly reviewing our practices is to establish a fair, equitable and transparent system of assessment that enhances student confidence in their ability to learn.
A summary of Prairie South’s grading practices can be found here.