On Wednesday, November 6th, Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions (SAASE), Moose Jaw Exhibition Company, Progressive Agriculture Foundation, Community Initiatives Fund (CIF), Ministry of Agricultural, SaskPower, Farm Credit Cooperation, and Prairie South Schools hosted a Safety Day at the
Moose Jaw Exhibition Grounds. We had over 350 grade 7 and 8 students attend.
The day was designed for students to be exposed to safety hazards in which they may encounter in the work place and their daily lives. Students participated in 11 interactive stations. Thank you to our many presenters:
- St. John Babysitting Course Programs
- Bus Safety – Prairie South Schools
- Healthy Choices – Prairie South Schools
- Online Safety – Prairie South Schools
- Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association
- Moose Jaw Firefighters
- Moose Jaw City Police
- Moose Jaw EMT
- Moose Jaw Public Health – Vaping
- SaskPower
- St. John Therapy Dogs
Please feel free to view our video that highlights the events from the day!